To make up for their loss of 1 tile detection radius make them take up almost no time for infiltration. Instead make it somewhere between rifle and smg. Make it so shadow no longer gives them a concealment radius of 1. My suggestions are below for how I think reapers should be balanced: I think that reapers should be reworked so that they benefit more on the infiltration side than on the scouting side. This alone already makes them pretty op but then add in their skills like silent assassin, remote start and their claymores and now you have a unit that can pretty much kill half the mop and stay stealthed (and in early game they can kill an entire pod of advent with claymore and retain stealth for the entire squad). This is mainly because, as you would probably guess, their detection radius is only 1 which is pretty ridiculous. So in the current state of the game right now reapers are just too good.